Bo Ekander offers business advice and access to his extensive network in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and the Philippines. Charges are limited to actual expenses and a success fee.
Bo Ekander has been living and working in Asia for more than forty years. His career began in Malaysia in 1968 as assistant to the Swedish trade commissioner. Subsequently, he served as marketing director for Volvo Far East in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. During the following ten years, he served as managing director for the subsidiaries of the Swedish trading company Ekman & Co in Taiwan, Brazil and the Philippines.
In 1981 Bo Ekander founded the regional office of the Swedish bank, Götabanken, with operations in Singapore, Hong Kong and China.
In 1987 he established a subsidiary of Götabanken, Mandarin Star Ltd, which he acquired a few years later.
In 2007 Mandarin Star Ltd was merged with Primasia Corporate Services Ltd with Bo Ekander as chairman.
He is also Honorary Chairman of Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce in Sweden (